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Your orders are not submitted correctly to Planzer Portal, you have a question about the plugin or a feature request?
We are happy to help!

Please contact the Planzer support!

Feature request

If you have a feature request, please contact the Planzer support.

Access to your shop system

If Planzer needs access to investigate a problem, we will ask you for access to your shop system.


What we need:

  • Screenshot of the error message and/or clear description of the problem.
  • Access to the WordPress backend as an administrator, preferably a staging system.
  • Access to the Planzer portal.
  • Instructions if and how we can do test orders in the shop.


What we need:

  • Screenshot of the error message and/or clear description of the problem.
  • Shopify backend access: For that, we need the Shop-URL (e.g. We will send you an access request via Shopify. This needs to be confirmed by you.
  • Access to the Planzer portal.
  • Instructions if and how we can do test orders in the shop.


What we need:

  • Screenshot of the error message and/or clear description of the problem.
  • Access to the Shopware backend as an administrator, preferably a staging system.
  • Access to the Planzer portal.
  • Instructions if and how we can do test orders in the shop.