Plugin Configuration
Connection settings
The plugin works very simple and has therefore just a few settings. Most of them can be found inside the app configuration.
- First you can select all or a specific Sales Channel:
- Fill up the general information necessary to use the plugins full functionality:
- Operating mode: Please select Live or Test as the operating mode.
It is advisable to start with the test mode until all settings are set up properly.
- Manufacturers: Abacus Field ID
- Keywords: Abacus Field ID
Define where product manufacturer and keyword data is stored inside Abacus. This is usually saved inside the Individual user fields.
- Choose the parent category to import.
Define the Shopware parent product category that should be used for the product category import.
- Add Abacus credentials for live and test
- Define API URL
- Mandant nummer/number
- Fields mapping
Add additional fields mapping if further connection of data is necessary
- Customers synchronization options
Define here if you prefer to synchronize client information and send sign-up emails
Adding the API credentials
In order to connect your Abacus installation with the plugin you need to add the API credentials. These can be found in your Abacus installation. These credentials are sensitive and should be stored as encrypted environment variables. For this purpose, we recommend to use Symfony vaults.
Open a terminal and run the following command:
php bin/console secrets:set ABACUS_LIVE_CLIENT_ID
php bin/console secrets:set ABACUS_LIVE_CLIENT_SECRET
php bin/console secrets:set ABACUS_TEST_CLIENT_ID
php bin/console secrets:set ABACUS_TEST_CLIENT_SECRET
php bin/console secrets:set ABACUS_LIVE_CLIENT_ID
php bin/console secrets:set ABACUS_LIVE_CLIENT_SECRET
php bin/console secrets:set ABACUS_TEST_CLIENT_ID
php bin/console secrets:set ABACUS_TEST_CLIENT_SECRET
Be sure not to commit the decryption key to your repository.
To check your secrets run the following command:
bin/console secrets:list --reveal
bin/console secrets:list --reveal